Friday, April 22, 2011


Bauhaus  1919 - 1933

Utopian desire to create a new spiritual society

Unity of Artists and Craftsmen to build for the future

Ideas from all of the Advanced Art and Design Movement were explored and applied to functional design

Maholi  Prescribed done year to year

open ended

1923 - first exhibition

Jan Tschichold
-1925 publishes book on typography "The New Typography"
-The aim of every typographic work is to deliver the message in the quickest shortest way

Elbert Hubbard 

Wiener Werkstatte

In what way is Jan Tschichold

Helping propagate ideas for practical expression 

Herbert Matter
-pioneered photo montage and defined what the modern poster can be 
-extreme perspective shifts scale shifts
-very clear concise efficient 

modernism filters in slowly

Lester Beal
-arrows, bars
-Rural Electrification Administration
-new deal

-limited palette popular easy to produce

-WPA posters use silkscreen a lot
-and seriagraph

Container Corporation of America

Ladislav Sutnar

International Style
looking for universal truths

I enjoyed learning about the Bauhaus, before this I had heard about it and even seen pictures of the school but never really knew too much about it. Its amazing how many times the school was attacked by the public and the Nazis. I admire that they stuck around as long as they did. Its interesting to me how ideas are recycled like looking back to the gothic cathedrals. I enjoyed the work of Herbert Matter. I liked his clean, dynamic compositions that mixed photography but in a minimalist way.  Also liked Lester Beal.

So, this class was just an introduction to many artists that I will be looking at and discovering for a long time.

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