Thursday, February 24, 2011

Corporate Identity

Glasgow school - England
Vienna Succesion - Austria

Joseph Hoffman


-Make things that are useful
-marks- sense of proportion and weight
-geometrical yet lyrical

Peter Behrens
-end of career  work is more commercial
-first use of running text san serif
-early advocate of sans serif typography
-credited with first comprehensive identity program
-pioneered non-load bearing walls

-associated  Mies Van Derrohe   and  Walter Gropies
first director of Bauhaus last director of Bauhaus respectfully

-Celebration of Art and Life
-recliner, abstract forms
-experimenting, sans serif becoming more blocky
-1903 becomes director of Kunstgewerberschule school

-1904 guy joins faculty, his thing is geometry
teaches composition based on geometry

-grid system
-1906 exhibition pavilion Peter Behrens uses that system
-1907 Behrens is made artistic director of AEG power company

-metaphor, honey comb, divisions of labor

three lynch pin components:


type face

consistent layout

Underground Railway system


Luscian Venard
-competition design for Priester matches
-poster style
-flat background, product and name

Julius Krieger
-war bond poster

The axis more graphic
The Allies use of illustration and information

touchy fealy
saccharine tastes

-The 1900s The Seeds of Progress
-Thomas Edison
-Henry Ford introduces mass production
-1901 buffalo exhibition
-electricity, light, engineering,
-Roosevelt considered progressive "square deal"
-muck rakers - the press, large exposes
-Uptain Sinclair - The Jungle
-Hull House in Chicago
-Jane Adams
-Mother Jones Carrie Nation - axe and chop bars into pieces
-Postcards to promote good natured envy
-Books for children became popular
-Wizard of Oz
-Nickelodeons  became popular
-The great train robbery, based on butch cassidy
-scott joplin maple leaf rag
-1901 phonograph records
-the fabians reform

I see connections between Peter Behren's corporate identity system and the rise of manifestos, corporations, and a growing global consciousness. The clean economical systems of mass production steered design into new clean, bold designs to stand out from the crowd. I didn't really like the grid systems that Dorian showed in class. I think that they were taken too literally and I found the designs unappealing and uninspired. Also the ideal of having hand-made objects in the home has changed to having well designed pieces in the home such as Behrens stove pots.

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