Modernism efficiency and communication
Post modernism
Used to note a break with the earlier modernist principles by
placing emphasis on form over function, by reintroducing
traditional or classical elements or by carrying modernist styles
or practice or extremes
Seen in art design literature architecture
Emphasis on feel rather than rationale
Emphasis on surface texture and materials
Self conscious and self referencing
Mixes high and low
Historical reference
Wolfgang Weingart
Memphis design group
function secondary to style
Situationist modern dada
Paula Share
Charles Anderson
changed the language of packaging by appropriating vernacular
Peter Seville
24 hour party people
Von Oliver
Mac shifts aesthetics
April early adapter of computer
Catherine McCoy // Cranbook
David Carson
Postmodern - more powerful better communication / isnt that modern goal?
mixing high and low
Chip Kid - Choose monkeys
Paula Share
I think that the majority of art being produced today tries to be clever or ironic. I also see a lot of paradoxes like cute things being violent // opposing ideas that don't belong together, and know they don't belong together. I wonder what the future will see when it looks back on Postmodernism. I don't know - I think post-modernism is fun but I think it usually comes off as shallow having more about style than substance. Maybe its a product of globalization where there is so much competition you have to be the most clever. Artists like Bansky take the focus from the content to the artist. To me it says, "look how clever I am." Thats my opinion on the general idea of post-modern.